Small Dog Rescue by Sparticus Adoption Application
It is our goal to place each and every dog into the best home for his/her individual needs and with a human family that best suits his/her disposition. We do not believe in ‘first come, first served’ so please take your time to read through and answer each question completely. Since this is our first impression of you, it is important that your answers are clear and thorough. Sparticus’ Legacy is run by volunteers (who all also work full-time jobs) so your patience is appreciated. References will be checked so please understand it may take a few days for a representative to get back to you after you submit your application. We will get back to you whether your application is approved or declined.
Applications that are not complete or that contain phony references will be discarded.
Asterisk (*) denotes required fields. THANK YOU!
Which dog are you interested in? *
Your full name: *
Your address: *
Phone: Home
E-Mail Address: *
How many people live in your household?
Adults *
Children *
Does everyone in your home know you are looking for a dog?
Does everyone in your home want this dog?
Is there anything about you or someone else living in your home that we may want to know about ( special trainings, skills, experience, etc.) that may help us choose yours as the best home for this particular dog?
Tell us about where you live
What type of structure do you live in? (Single-family house, trailer, apartment, duplex, etc)
Do you have a facend yard?
If Yes, what type of fence and how big is the fenced in area?
Do you rent or own your home?
If you rent, what is your landlord's name and telephone number?
How long have you lived at this address in years and months?
Tell us about your other pets
Do you have any other animals currently living with you?
If yes or sometimes, please tell us about them. Include animal's name, species, breed, sex, age, physical description, whether or not the pet is neutered / spayed, trained, name of vet that last saw this animal, age obtained and from where.
End of part one, please click submit first then go on to part two.